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Новый сервер сборкой DDSS

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Я предлагаю добавить новый сервер с сборкой DDSS 
В нём +1750 квестов 
больше 300 модов 
И очень Эпичная прохождение 

  • Спасибо 1
  • Шок 2
  • Рукалицо 3
11 минут назад, Rabit21 сказал:

больше 300 модов

У 90% игроков, компы не вытянут....

  • Лукасик 3
8 минут назад, master777 сказал:

Хотя бы ссылку для начала кинул...

Нарыл  моды сборки. Ссылку не кину, т.к другой проект) 

Скрытый текст

- Actually Additions
- Actually Baubles
- Additional Structures
- Alchemistry
- Alib
- Animania
- AppleCore
- AppleSkin
- Applied Energistics 2
- Artisan Worktables
- Artisan Integrations
- Artisan Automation
- Architecture Craft
- Aroma Core
- Aroma Backup
- Astralsorcery
- Akashic Tome
- Anthenaum
- AutoRegLib
- Avaritia
- B.A.S.E
- Baubles
- BetterFPS
- Better Questing
- Better Questing Questbook
- Better Questing Standart Expansion
- Better Questing Forestry Expansion
- Better Builders Wands
- Bdlib
- BiblioCraft
- Binni Mods
- Blockcraftery
- Blood Arsenal
- Blood Magic
- Bookshelf
- Bonsai Trees
- Botania
- Botanic Additions
- Brandons Core
- Carrer Bees
- Crafting Tweaks
- Ceramics
- Chameleon
- Chest Transporter
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel
- Chisel and Bits
- Chunk Pregenerator
- Clumps
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFH Core
- CoFH World
- Common Cababilities
- Compact Drawers
- ContentTweaker
- Controlling
- CookieCore
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked
- Corail Tombstones
- CraftStudio
- CraftTweaker2
- Connected Textures Mod
- Cucumber
- CustomStartingGear
- Custom Main Menu
- CreativeCore
- Cyclic
- CyclopsCore
- Dank Null
- DefaultOptions
- DDSSUtils [special thx to dierke9!]
- Doomlike Dungeons
- Draconic Evolution
- Dungoen Tactics
- DiscordCraft
- Dynamic Surroundings (Disabled)
- Elulib
- EnchantingTable
- Ender Storage
- Enviromentaltech
- EvilCraft
- Exchangers
- Extended Crafting
- Extraalechemy
- Extra Cells
- Extra Planets
- Extrautils 2
- Extreme Reactors
- Fast Workbench
- FastLeafDecay
- Foamfix
- Forestry
- ForgeEndertech
- Forgelin
- ForgeMultipart
- Furniture
- FTB Utils
- FTB Lib
- Galacticraft Core
- Galacticraft Planets
- Galacticraft Tweaker
- Gendustry
- Gendustry JEI Addon
- Giacomos Fishing Net
- Guide-API
- Guidebook
- HammerLibCore
- Hooked
- Hunger Overhaul
- Hunting Dimension
- HelpFixer
- IceandFire
- Immersive Engeneering
- Industrial Foregoing
- Itegration Foregoing
- Integrated Dynamics
- Integrated Tunnels
- Inventory Tweaks
- Infernal Mobs
- Iron Chests
- JEI Bees
- Just Enough Calculations
- Journeymap
- Large Fluid Tanks
- LagGoggles
- LibrarianLib
- Llibrary
- Loot tweaker
- Loot Bags
- LittleTiles
- Magic Bees
- Malisis Core
- Malisis Doors
- Mantle
- Mcjtylib
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Generators
- Mekanism Tools
- Mekanism Ores
- MicdoodleCore
- Minerva Library
- MJRLegendsLib
- MobsPropretiesRandomness
- Mod Tweaker
- Mod Name Tooltip
- Moreoverlays
- Moreplates
- Mouse Tweaks
- Mowziesmobs
- Morpheus
- Modular Machinery
- MrTJPCore
- MTLib
- Multimob
- Mystical Agriculture
- Mystical Aggriditions
- Natura
- Nature's Compass
- NetherEx
- NotEnoughID's
- Nucelarcraft
- Omlib
- OnlinePictureFrame
- OpenComputers
- OpenModulaPassiveDefence
- Openblocks
- OpenModsLib
- OpenModularTurrets
- Overloaded
- PackagedAuto
- PackagedAutoEX
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Pams' Cookables
- Phosphorus
- Pickle Tweaks
- Placebo
- PlusTiC
- Pneumaticcraft Repressurized
- Primitive Mobs
- Progressive Bosses
- Project Red Base
- Project Red Compact
- Project Red Fabrication
- Project Red Integration
- Project Red Lightning
- Project Red Mechanical
- Project Red World
- Quark
- Random Patches
- Reauth
- Reborn Core
- Reborn Storage
- Redstone Flux
- Refined Storage
- Refined Storage Addons
- Refined Avaritia
- Resource Loader
- RFTools
- RFToolsctrl
- RFToolspower
- Rockhounding Chemistry
- Rockhounding Core
- Roguelike Dungeons
- RoughMobs2
- Ruins
- Rustic
- Sledgehammer
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Simply Backpacks
- Smooth Font
- Solar Flux Reborn
- Spice of Life Carrot Edition
- Special AI
- Stargate Networks
- Steves Carts
- Storage Drawers
- Storage Drawers Extras
- StorageTech
- Storage Cabinet
- Sound Reloader
- TAIGA (Tinkers Alloy Addon)
- Tinkers Construct
- Tinkers JEI
- Tech Reborn
- TeslsCoreLib
- The One Probe
- Thermal Cultivation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Innovation
- Tinker Tool Leveling
- Toast Control
- Torchmaster
- Tweaker Construct
- Topaddons
- Traverse
- Twilight Forest
- Underground Biomes
- UniDict
- Useful Railroads
- Vanilla Fix
- ValkyrieLib
- Vies Craft
- Vulcanite
- WanionLib
- Worley Caves
- Wireless Crafting Terminal
- Xnet
- Zero Core
- Zoesteria Biomes [special thx to Valoeghese!]


3 минуты назад, LavaExcess сказал:

Нарыл  моды сборки. Ссылку не кину, т.к другой проект) 

  Скрыть содержимое

- Actually Additions
- Actually Baubles
- Additional Structures
- Alchemistry
- Alib
- Animania
- AppleCore
- AppleSkin
- Applied Energistics 2
- Artisan Worktables
- Artisan Integrations
- Artisan Automation
- Architecture Craft
- Aroma Core
- Aroma Backup
- Astralsorcery
- Akashic Tome
- Anthenaum
- AutoRegLib
- Avaritia
- B.A.S.E
- Baubles
- BetterFPS
- Better Questing
- Better Questing Questbook
- Better Questing Standart Expansion
- Better Questing Forestry Expansion
- Better Builders Wands
- Bdlib
- BiblioCraft
- Binni Mods
- Blockcraftery
- Blood Arsenal
- Blood Magic
- Bookshelf
- Bonsai Trees
- Botania
- Botanic Additions
- Brandons Core
- Carrer Bees
- Crafting Tweaks
- Ceramics
- Chameleon
- Chest Transporter
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel
- Chisel and Bits
- Chunk Pregenerator
- Clumps
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFH Core
- CoFH World
- Common Cababilities
- Compact Drawers
- ContentTweaker
- Controlling
- CookieCore
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked
- Corail Tombstones
- CraftStudio
- CraftTweaker2
- Connected Textures Mod
- Cucumber
- CustomStartingGear
- Custom Main Menu
- CreativeCore
- Cyclic
- CyclopsCore
- Dank Null
- DefaultOptions
- DDSSUtils [special thx to dierke9!]
- Doomlike Dungeons
- Draconic Evolution
- Dungoen Tactics
- DiscordCraft
- Dynamic Surroundings (Disabled)
- Elulib
- EnchantingTable
- Ender Storage
- Enviromentaltech
- EvilCraft
- Exchangers
- Extended Crafting
- Extraalechemy
- Extra Cells
- Extra Planets
- Extrautils 2
- Extreme Reactors
- Fast Workbench
- FastLeafDecay
- Foamfix
- Forestry
- ForgeEndertech
- Forgelin
- ForgeMultipart
- Furniture
- FTB Utils
- FTB Lib
- Galacticraft Core
- Galacticraft Planets
- Galacticraft Tweaker
- Gendustry
- Gendustry JEI Addon
- Giacomos Fishing Net
- Guide-API
- Guidebook
- HammerLibCore
- Hooked
- Hunger Overhaul
- Hunting Dimension
- HelpFixer
- IceandFire
- Immersive Engeneering
- Industrial Foregoing
- Itegration Foregoing
- Integrated Dynamics
- Integrated Tunnels
- Inventory Tweaks
- Infernal Mobs
- Iron Chests
- JEI Bees
- Just Enough Calculations
- Journeymap
- Large Fluid Tanks
- LagGoggles
- LibrarianLib
- Llibrary
- Loot tweaker
- Loot Bags
- LittleTiles
- Magic Bees
- Malisis Core
- Malisis Doors
- Mantle
- Mcjtylib
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Generators
- Mekanism Tools
- Mekanism Ores
- MicdoodleCore
- Minerva Library
- MJRLegendsLib
- MobsPropretiesRandomness
- Mod Tweaker
- Mod Name Tooltip
- Moreoverlays
- Moreplates
- Mouse Tweaks
- Mowziesmobs
- Morpheus
- Modular Machinery
- MrTJPCore
- MTLib
- Multimob
- Mystical Agriculture
- Mystical Aggriditions
- Natura
- Nature's Compass
- NetherEx
- NotEnoughID's
- Nucelarcraft
- Omlib
- OnlinePictureFrame
- OpenComputers
- OpenModulaPassiveDefence
- Openblocks
- OpenModsLib
- OpenModularTurrets
- Overloaded
- PackagedAuto
- PackagedAutoEX
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Pams' Cookables
- Phosphorus
- Pickle Tweaks
- Placebo
- PlusTiC
- Pneumaticcraft Repressurized
- Primitive Mobs
- Progressive Bosses
- Project Red Base
- Project Red Compact
- Project Red Fabrication
- Project Red Integration
- Project Red Lightning
- Project Red Mechanical
- Project Red World
- Quark
- Random Patches
- Reauth
- Reborn Core
- Reborn Storage
- Redstone Flux
- Refined Storage
- Refined Storage Addons
- Refined Avaritia
- Resource Loader
- RFTools
- RFToolsctrl
- RFToolspower
- Rockhounding Chemistry
- Rockhounding Core
- Roguelike Dungeons
- RoughMobs2
- Ruins
- Rustic
- Sledgehammer
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Simply Backpacks
- Smooth Font
- Solar Flux Reborn
- Spice of Life Carrot Edition
- Special AI
- Stargate Networks
- Steves Carts
- Storage Drawers
- Storage Drawers Extras
- StorageTech
- Storage Cabinet
- Sound Reloader
- TAIGA (Tinkers Alloy Addon)
- Tinkers Construct
- Tinkers JEI
- Tech Reborn
- TeslsCoreLib
- The One Probe
- Thermal Cultivation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Innovation
- Tinker Tool Leveling
- Toast Control
- Torchmaster
- Tweaker Construct
- Topaddons
- Traverse
- Twilight Forest
- Underground Biomes
- UniDict
- Useful Railroads
- Vanilla Fix
- ValkyrieLib
- Vies Craft
- Vulcanite
- WanionLib
- Worley Caves
- Wireless Crafting Terminal
- Xnet
- Zero Core
- Zoesteria Biomes [special thx to Valoeghese!]



1 час назад, Rabit21 сказал:

Я предлагаю добавить новый сервер с сборкой DDSS 
В нём +1750 квестов 
больше 300 модов 
И очень Эпичная прохождение 

Много модов = куча работы для администрации: конфликты между модами, баги, дюпы, возможности краша сервера.
У нас днём игроки на OneBlock с 5 тпс сидят.

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